Email Sent on 12/13/2023 150 150 400g

Email Sent on 12/13/2023

Dear Colorado Pastors, Leaders, and Intercessors:

400 Gathering (Note the DAY & TIME): MONDAY Evening, January 8, 2024, 5:00-8:30pm with Dinner Served

RSVP Here:
PLEASE RSVP so we know how much food to order. 


400 Gathering Vision: CLICK HERE  (in Spanish):  CLICK HERE

Location: The Rock Church, 4881 Cherokee Dr., Castle Rock, CO 80109

*La traducción está disponible para los asistentes de habla hispana. Solicite la traducción en Eventbrite RSVP.

To the Pastors, Leaders, & Intercessors of the ONE Church of Colorado,

”Then I said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people [the pastors, leaders, and intercessors], “The work is extensive and very spread out, and we are widely separated from each other along the wall [in Colorado].  Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet [the email from Mike], rally to us there [The Rock]. Our God will fight for us!” 

Nehemiah 4:19-20

I believe the Lord is using the 400 Gathering to call His church together to do something supernatural in Colorado – an outpouring of the Spirit that will bring a revival movement that will establish a reformation of the church into His beautiful bride!  This is something many have cried out for, plowed the ground for, contended in prayer for, and worked diligently for, and yet we have not seen a revival movement in Colorado in over 100 years. There needs to be a wineskin of unity and oneness of the Church that has not happened. It has been talked about for years and there have even been impressive movements toward unity, but division has historically won out because of self-promotion, busyness, offenses, pride/selfish ambitions, jealousy, ‘man’-birthed programs that heavily burden the church and leaders, and more… But there is an invitation to say ‘yes’ to something the Lord has for Colorado that takes us out of our fiefdoms and into His KINGDOM! This invitation demands the effort of unity of the Spirit and action into the knowledge of the Lord’s heart and will…bringing the Church of Colorado into oneness.  We have been in a pursuit of this through the 400 Gathering now for almost 4 years now and it has come together more slowly than we had hoped and has required contending and plowing. Yet, we have continued to see the unity of the Colorado Church (the Net) increase and strengthen in the Lord!  “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin,” (Zech 4:10 NLT)

I have come to realize that this endeavor for John 17 unity goes way beyond our natural wisdom, strength, and ability to gather together.  It is a spiritual battle and will only be accomplished when in lock-step with the Spirit!  “It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.” (Zech 4:6 NLT)  He is giving us the divine power for this invitation! (2 Peter 1:3) IMAGINE – 400 pastors and churches throughout Colorado truly unite together…into a NET formation…and linked together to use their giftings, strengths, time, and resources help other churches in areas where they may be weak…with the purpose of strengthening the Colorado NET and seeing exponential kingdom expansion and spiritual growth through discipleship of the Church.

From the 400 Vision: “He is asking for those who say “Yes” to partner together in a way that they are laying down the “agenda” of building or maintaining their church, for the greater purpose of building His Church – through the unity of the Body and seeing the giftings of each church used to strengthen other churches…With a new focus of harvesting souls and cultivating warriors …. as we come into a (Kairos) time of the greatest expansion ever of the Kingdom of God.”

In September of 2019 at Worship on the Rocks, I believe the Lord opened a window, an invitation, to step into a Kairos-timed opportunity for 400 pastors and leaders to come together into a 1 John 3:16-18 love that looks like something!  It was an invitation to come together as one through prayer, fasting, worship, and seeking His face so that the kingdom war plans could be received and implemented in a way that would change the trajectory of our lives and the course of history for Colorado in a significant and powerful way…heaven invading Colorado!

I don’t know how long this invitation will remain available for our generation and for Colorado, but I don’t want to be so presumptuous that we miss it.  It is an opportune invitation, not a guarantee!   “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as they did in the rebellion.” Hebrews 3 & 4 (stated multiple times).  As the Spirit leads, we must respond in faith and obedient action without delay.  For delayed obedience is disobedience. 

While we have been waiting on Him…. He has been waiting on us!  …to no longer live according to the status quo of church.  It is time for some radical changes.  Forget the former things! He is doing a new thing!  If we want to see Revival in Colorado, then let us move into action and the Lord will fight for us and we will see the deliverance of His people!  May we respond well.

I love you all and hope to break bread, worship, and engage in kingdom strategies together on Monday, January 8th.


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