400 Gathering Updates

Email Sent on 12/13/2023 150 150 400g

Email Sent on 12/13/2023

400 GATHERING INVITATION: Sunday evening, September 11th, pastors, leaders, and intercessors from across Colorado are gathering at The Rock in the unity of the Spirit to move heaven and radically impact Colorado for the Kingdom of God as we worship, pray, intercede and seek the face of God. Here are the details…

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Email Sent on 8/22/2022 150 150 400g

Email Sent on 8/22/2022

400 GATHERING INVITATION: Sunday evening, September 11th, pastors, leaders, and intercessors from across Colorado are gathering at The Rock in the unity of the Spirit to move heaven and radically impact Colorado for the Kingdom of God as we worship, pray, intercede and seek the face of God. Here are the details…

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Weekly NETwork Calls 150 150 400g

Weekly NETwork Calls

UPDATED – APRIL 27, 2022 Meetings will now be held Mondays from 11am – 12pm MST. ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83199189800?pwd=ZEppK3YwUU5UN2JYVnNmWGMySXcwZz09 Meeting…

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Email Sent on 1/22/2021 150 150 Mike Polhemus

Email Sent on 1/22/2021

Beloved Pastors, Leaders, Intercessors and Children of God, I apologize for the short notice, but am prayerful that ALL of…

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