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Mike Polhemus

Word from Shannon Clark 150 150 Mike Polhemus

Word from Shannon Clark

WORD from Shannon Clark (Vinelife Church) – April 2021

I was sitting in my office and felt this huge urgency in my spirit where the Lord seemingly shouted to me and said “Tell them (leaders in the region) to get their infrastructure in place for the harvest! They do not have as much time as they think and they won’t have time to build it when it happens!” What this looks like is identifying your leaders in your Body (Mom’s and Dad’s), start setting up small groups, prepare and train them into discipleship if they need it, get their buy in, get their “Yes'” to whatever the Lord does next, and then tell them to “Get Ready”! It’s a “buckle up church” moment. The Lord is about to move in a significant way very soon, not just what we have seen before, but actual Revival and a Move of God.

I felt like there is going to be a very brief lull for the Lord to prepare the body to “get ready”. It’s the moment right now to finish building the ark before the animals and rain start showing up.

We are in Luke 5 season. Jesus is about to get into our boat and tell us to put the nets (our networks and relationships on the region) into to the water. The caught fish (the response of harvest) will be so high that it will begin to burst the nets. There will be such a response that there will not be enough leaders, small groups, discipleship programs, and infrastructure from the Body of Christ to hold what’s coming!

I believe where we are as the Body sit right now – is where the disciples are cleaning out their nets in Luke 5:2. Cleaning out what has been caught in the nets that needs to be removed. The Lord is removing pride, sin, immorality, lack of truth, laziness, slander, form/formulas of church, the familiarity of the presence in the wrong way (lack of fear of the Lord), assumption of what the Lord is doing, etc. out of the church (out of the nets). I did some research on why cleaning nets is so important. In Biblical times, fishermen used sailboats to fish and would drag their nets along the ocean/lake floor to get fish. They would pick up rocks, debris, seaweed, etc. If the nets weren’t cleaned, this dragging of the nets would kill any new fish caught in the net because of the pressure and weight from the rocks. If debris and seaweed weren’t removed, the decomposing could introduce disease into the new fish which would ultimately kill them.

I believe the Lord is also doing Psalm 24 in this season, “Who may ascend the hill? Those with clean hands and pure hearts… So that the King of Glory may come in.” His identifying the cleaning of hands and hearts (seeing and leading to repentance aka ‘Holy Spirit clean up crew’) to ascend so that He, the KING OF GLORY, truly may come in in an unprecedented way in the Body and this season of massive increase.

So it’s a “don’t dawdle and get ready” season. Colorado is ripe for a move of God and we are about to step into the 100-year anniversary of a revival that happened with Aimee Semple McPherson in 1921 that rode the coattails of pandemic (the Spanish Influenza).

Email Sent on 1/22/2021 150 150 Mike Polhemus

Email Sent on 1/22/2021

Beloved Pastors, Leaders, Intercessors and Children of God,

I apologize for the short notice, but am prayerful that ALL of you can attend.  May the Lord rearrange anything that conflicts with this gathering.  This is an important time!

The next 400 Gathering is scheduled:  
Date & Time:  Monday, February 1, 2021 from 9a-12p 
Address: The Rock Church  (4881 Cherokee Dr. Castle Rock 80109) 

The battle is upon us.  It is not just attacking our generation, but the focus of this attack is on our children and our children’s children.  It is time for the body of Christ to rise up, link arms, and fight.  Would you be willing to gather together with the Lord’s beloved ones on February 1st to give all glory to God and to make known on earth and in the heavens and to all generations that we are one in Spirit for His glory and that His love and truth will reign? 

If we think we can fight on our own, we are mistaken.  We have tried this for decades and look where it has gotten us.  It is time to join forces.  The importance of the 400 Gathering has become more evident.  Be encouraged by the hundreds of pastors and leaders that have already joined together with the heart of Christ and an understanding of the importance of oneness in the Spirit.  However we have not reached the call for 400.   The time has come and the battle lines are forming.  The Lord has set us apart as priests and kings for His kingdom and it is time to put the enemy to flight!  

2021 WILL BE the year the true Church aligns with King Jesus.  Holiness and righteousness are eminent and true humility established through His LOVE and TRUTH will pave the way.  God is cleaning house, purifying His bride, and awakening His Church.  It is not a time to sit and watch, but to stand firm and engage.  We cannot shrink back.  

Please read the vision of the 400 Gathering given back in September 2019.  If you have heard it already, I encourage you to read it again and pray into it.  Allow the Lord to stir your heart into greater action.

Click HERE for the 400 Gathering Vision in English.

Click HERE for the 400 Gathering Vision in Spanish.

Please reach out and share the vision and invite other pastors, business leaders, and ministry leaders to join us for the 400 Gathering.  Those who remain isolated will eventually crumble.  We are meant to run together – to fight together!

This is His time.  And we will be a people who are ALL IN for King Jesus.  We will be those who are willing to lay down our lives, our churches, our ministries for the greater purpose of furthering God’s kingdom.  We will engage in a course of strategy for the Church to harvest souls and cultivate kingdom warriors.  Let us prepare the way of the Lord together – AS ONE!  Heaven is about to invade Colorado! 

To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations!

ESPANOL – 400 Gathering Vision For Colorado Churches at Worship On The Rocks 150 150 Mike Polhemus

ESPANOL – 400 Gathering Vision For Colorado Churches at Worship On The Rocks

September 16, 2019

En Worship on the Rocks (Adorando en las Rocas) 2019, mientras el pastor Peter Young hablaba sobre la historia del avivamiento de Colorado, escuché al Señor decir que el momento es ahora. Es hora de reunir a los líderes de las iglesias juntos. Sentí que había 400 líderes de la iglesia que se unirían en la región de Colorado para ver un mover del Espíritu como nunca antes.

También sentí que el Señor advirtió que no tratáramos solos de construir esto… sino que colaboráramos con Él. Este plan es SU corazón, SU idea, SU deseo, SU estrategia, y es para ESTA región. Él ya está conmoviendo los corazones de los pastores de las Iglesias. Así que este no es un argumento de venta, sino una presentación del Corazón de Dios y una invitación a unirse al plan de Dios, ¡Es su voluntad! Él está pidiendo que aquellos (pastores) que dicen “Sí” y están dispuestos a unirse, se unan en forma deabrir su entendimiento y dejar la “agenda” establecida anteriormente de construir o mantener su iglesia, por el mayor propósito de Edificar Su Iglesia – a través de la Unidad del Cuerpo y viendo los Dones de cada Iglesia utilizando sus dones para fortalecer otras iglesias.

Sentí que las llaves serán la oración extensa, el ayuno y la adoración corporal: buscar su rostro. Trayendo a la Iglesia en una nueva comprensión de la santidad y rectitud … que se convierte en un nuevo estilo de vida. Con un nuevo enfoque de cosechar almas y cultivar guerreros…. a medida que llegamos a un “tiempo” de la expansión más grande del Reino de Dios. ¡Estos serán líderes con mentalidad de reino que establecerán una iglesia con mente de reino! ¡Se requiere una PURIFICACIÓN de la Novia! ¡La justicia va a GOBERNAR en la Iglesia una vez más!

Estos pastores se dedicarán al Señor de una manera nueva. La humildad será el mantra o lema de estos líderes y esto será llevado a las iglesias – estableciendo la unidad y pureza de la Iglesia. Una vez que los 400 estén en su lugar, habrá una ola del Espíritu … de Fuego … y Amor liberado, estableciendo la Familia de Dios con Jesús como cabeza… como Señor.

Una vez establecida la unidad: sentí que habría una reunión en el estadio de los Broncos, que curiosamente, el nombre del estadio se cambió a “EMPODERMIENTO” pocos días antes de este evento. ¡Y que el estadio se LLENARA! Pero que este sería diferente a otros eventos de estadio. La gente no vendría al estadio por los “Grandes Nombres”. ¡PERO la gente vendrá porque quieren tener una experiencia con JESÚS! ¡El dibujo sería el Espíritu Santo y una demostración de Su Poder! Sentí que íbamos a experimentar el arrepentimiento de corazones, señales y milagros, grandes demostraciones del poder del Espíritu: ¡Gente que se levantara de las sillas de ruedas, muerto resucitados, toda enfermedad sería sanada! PERO sin los “Grandes nombres” como estrellas de evento.

Los fondos vendrán de fuentes inesperadas. No se requerirá promoción excepto la de boca a boca es decir pasar la voz y la utilización de redes sociales. Estaba hablando con Lou Engle esa noche y cuando dijo “2020”, ¡Mi espíritu saltó! Creemos que habrá una aceleración de manera que esto se hará realidad de una manera más rápida de lo que podríamos posiblemente verlos hecho nosotros mismos por nuestras propias habilidades, no de nuestra capacidad. Esto será algo que cambiará el curso de lahistoria… ¡El cielo invadiendo la tierra!

Cuando terminé de escribir esto, escuché al Señor cantar una nueva canción sobre nosotros, sobre esta región, sobre Colorado. … “¡Es una nueva temporada!”

400 Gathering Vision For Colorado Churches at Worship On The Rocks 150 150 Mike Polhemus

400 Gathering Vision For Colorado Churches at Worship On The Rocks

September 16, 2019

At Worship on the Rocks 2019, as Pastor Peter Young was talking about the history of revival of Colorado, I heard the Lord say that the time is now! It is time to gather the leaders of churches together. I felt like there were 400 church leaders that would join together in the Colorado region to see a move of the Spirit like never before.

Also felt the Lord caution not to just try and build this…but to co-labor with Him. This plan is HIS heart, HIS idea, HIS desire, HIS strategy, and it is for THIS region. He is already stirring the hearts of pastors of churches. So this is not a sales pitch, but a presentation of the Heart of God and an invitation to join with God’s plan, with His will! He is asking for those (pastors) who say “Yes” to partner together in a way that they are laying down the “agenda” of building or maintaining their church, for the greater purpose of Building His Church – through the Unity of the Body and seeing the Giftings of each church used to strengthen other churches.

I felt like the Keys will be Extensive Prayer, Fasting & Worship together – Seeking His face. Bringing the Church into a new understanding of Holiness & Righteousness…that becomes a new way of life. With a new focus of harvesting souls and cultivating warriors …. as we come into a “time” of the greatest expansion ever of the Kingdom of God. These will be Kingdom Minded Leaders establishing a Kingdom- Minded Church! There is a PURIFICATION of the Bride that is required! Righteousness is going to RULE in the Church once again!

These pastors will dedicate themselves to the Lord in a new way. Humility will be the mantra of these leaders and this will be carried in to the churches – establishing the unity and purity of His Church.

Once the 400 are in place, there will be a wave of the Spirit…of Fire…and Love released, establishing the Family of God with Jesus as the head…as Lord.

Once the unity is established: I felt like there would be a gathering in the Bronco Stadium, which interestingly the name of the stadium was just changed to “EMPOWER” Field just days before this event! And that this stadium would be FILLED! But that this would be different than other stadium events. People would not be coming to the stadium for the “Big Names”. BUT people would be coming because they wanted to experience JESUS! The drawing would be the Holy Spirit and a demonstration of His Power! I felt like we would experience repentance of hearts, signs and miracles, great demonstrations of the power of the Spirit – people getting out of wheel chairs, raised from the dead, every sickness would be healed! BUT without the “Big Names” as headliners.

Funds will come in from unexpected sources. No promotion will be required except word of mouth and social media. I was talking with Lou Engle that evening and when he said “2020”, my spirit leapt! I believe there will be an acceleration of this in a way that this comes together faster than we could possibly have happen in our own ability! This will happen through our availability, not our ability. This will be something that changes the course of history…heaven invading earth!

As I finished writing this, I heard the Lord singing a new song over us, over this region, over Colorado …”It’s a New Season!”